In the last phase of the BaR Cycle, the focus is to improve the process. The aim is to identify those winning moves that enabled the BaR Team to achieve the record during the BaR Event.
These winning moves enable the team to integrate them into the process to sustain the improvements.
At this point, the team can raise the bar and a higher standard set.
The BaR cycle is complete by sharing the experience with the other teams and start planning the next BaR Event.
Aaron Azzopardi
After celebrating a successful BaR Event, the first step from the BaR Team is to identify and present back the winning moves. The Winning Moves are those actions that the team took and enabled them to achieve the challenge.
There are 2 types of winning moves;
The BaR Mode is the mode of operation used during the BaR Event. The team will not sustain the BaR Event performance as business as usual. But you can use the same mode of operation for a short span, especially when you are in an emergency.
Let’s say for example you had a long machine breakdown, so you are late and behind production. The team now knows a mode of operation (BaR Mode), to increase the performance for a short span. This will help the team to recover what has been lost during the machine downtime.
The next step is to find ways and means how to integrate the winning moves into the process. This will ensure that the actions taken during the BaR Event will improve the process in the long term.
Documenting with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and training are examples of how to integrate these winning moves. At this point, keep measuring and monitoring the performance. Although the team will not reach the BaR Event performance, they should be running at a higher rate than before the event.
This step is critical to confirm that the process has been improved and the improvements will be sustained. Therefore, together with the team, raise the bar and set a new standard.
The chart is a typical BaR Performance Chart.
The BaR process would have started with the machine not achieving the target (standard). When the BaR Event is announced, the performance starts to increase slightly, peaking during the BaR Event. After the BaR Event, the team will not be able to sustain the BaR event performance but will be running at a better rate than the pre BaR Event. The difference between the latter and the starting performance is the improvement achieved with the BaR Concept.
After setting the new standard, you must keep monitoring the performance to ensure that the team is achieving the new target.
Last but for sure not least, share the experience, knowledge, and winning moves with the rest of the organization (Rule 4). Now there will be other teams that want to do a BaR Event in their areas.
Carrying out the BaR Event and identifying the winning moves will enable the team to gain new knowledge about the process and at the end of the BaR Cycle this should be shared with other teams
The last step is to start planning for the next BaR Event on another process.
But, the BaR Event can also be carried out again, on the same process, in a slightly different way. This time to focus on long term performance. Rather than doing a BaR Event to break the personal best just for one time, the BaR Event can be done on consecutive hits. For example, hitting 20,000 units a day/shift for 10 consecutive days/shifts.