Phase 1 - Trigger the Challenge

BaR Cycle - Phase 1

The BaR Cycle starts by triggering the team to start the BaR Cycle routine.
The First Phase of the BaR Cycle goes through 3 steps. The first step is to choose the Process and the relative Metric to BaR. Step 2 is then to put together the BaR team and finish the first phase by scheduling the BaR Event.

Step 1.1

Choose the Process & Metric to BaR

Step 1.2

Put Together the BaR Team

Step 1.3

Schedule the BaR Event

A WEAK leader THREATENS the team to achieve an IMPOSSIBLE target

A GREAT leader LEADS the team to achieve a CHALLENGING target

Aaron Azzopardi

Step 1.1 - Choose the Process & Metric to BaR

BaR Rules

The first step is to ensure that you have read and understood the rules of the game. If not refer to the link below. After you have reviewed the rules, you can start going through the BaR Cycle

BaR Charter

BaR Charter Template

Since this concept is new, we have developed an A3 template that enables you to follow the BaR Cycle step-by-step which can be also be used as a communication tool.

Choose the Process and the Metric (KPI) to BaR

The first step is to choose the Process to BaR and the relevant Metric (KPI) to BaR. Usually, we target one of the worst performers or a bottleneck process. For the BaR Event to have a high probability of success, the chosen process and metric to BaR should have the potential for improvementIf a process is running at its full potential then it will be very difficult for the team to improve the performance.
The Metric (or KPI) has to be time-bound because the BaR Event is an event where the team will Break a Record for one time (one day, one week, one shift, etc..)

Personal Best

The next step now is to collect the data and find the best performance of the team. This will be the record to beat during the BaR Event.

Secondary Metrics (KPI's)

The Secondary Metrics are those metrics that are not aimed to be improved during the BaR Event. But they cannot be impacted negatively. For example, if the Metric to BaR is throughput, the team cannot reduce the Quality or increase the Health and Safety risks. Thus at this stage, it is very important to identify the secondary Metrics to be able to communicate them at a later stage to the BaR Team.

Step 1.2 - Put together the BaR Team

BaR Team

The second step of Phase 1 is to put together the BaR Team. The BaR Team should be a cross-functional team involving all the stakeholders. It should be made up of experts in the process that is going to be improved and any support functions that can impact the success of the BaR Event.

BaR Leader

Nominate a BaR LEader to lead the BaR Team during the BaR Cycle. 
The BaR Leader is a point of reference and the link between the management and the BaR Team.


Be prepared to set up the constraints and boundaries, such as budgets. One of the first reactions that I had, when proposing a BaR Event, was to buy a brand new machine.

Communicate to the BaR Team

Now that you have gathered all the information you can communicate to the BaR team that they have been chosen to take part in a BaR Event. We prepared a presentation that you can use to explain to the BaR Team what is The BaR Concept and how it works.
From experience, at this point, there will be those who will take it is a challenge. But there will be others that will see it as a threat because they are not confident that they can make it. You must keep the communication positive by assuring them support along the way.

Ready for the Challenge?

Step 1.3 - Schedule the BaR Event

Setting the Date and Target for the BaR Event

The last step in the first phase is to setup the target and schedule the date of the BaR Event.
As a rule of thumb;
  1. the target for the BaR Event is set at 10% better than the personal best
  2. the team is given 3 to 4 weeks to prepare for the BaR Event.
But these are all arbitrary. They are for you and the BaR Team to decide and agree. Remember that this is the team’s event and they have to be confident that they can make it.

Rule 6 - Commitment is Sacred

When the target and BaR Event date are agreed and scheduled, there is no turning back. Here we invoke Rule Number 6 – Commitment is Sacred

When a BaR Event is scheduled and the team committed, the date and target are fixed and cannot be modified.

I'm ready for the next phase